

This is my own story, never been a skinny kid, and I’ve never been too big as a kid
Just a little more chubbier that the rest
Was on and off with weight loss
Literally built my whole life around it, at some point I felt I wasn’t good enough

I normally weigh between 80-85kg
2019 December till 2020 March I was so active because I had a lot on my plate, just before the pandemic I found out I was now 75kg

You need to see how overjoyed and happy I was, I never saw that on the scale in at least 5 years

So during the pandemic
April till August I had gained 20kg.

Yes 20kg.. I was now weighing 95kg, funny how I never really knew coz I didn’t go out through out the pandemic till a day in August I decided to leave the house and just then I knew I had no clothes to wear

Nothing was my size… I could myself sinking after a while I decided to embrace myself, dress confidently and look good in my own skin, but deep down I knew I hated it

Since I signed up in January, I tried to stick with the plan although I wasn’t consistent as a matter of fact I only exercised 4 times
This was mainly because I wasn’t at home since the Christmas and I just returned on Saturday

I tried to eat in portions, trekked to some places I would have taken a cab to

I was weighing about 95kg before January and I climbed the scale today to see 91.3 in less than 4 weeks.

I didn’t believe my eyes for someone who barely did the exercise, about 4kg off

I quickly picked up my skipping rope and started skipping???

I was happy, I know if I put in a little more energy I’d definitely get what I want…
Summary of this is little drops of water make an ocean

You may not be able to do all sometimes but the little you can do, please do

Thanks coach Mipo, I’m happy I found you
I’m hopeful that before March ends, I should find myself at about 80kg